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William Edmondson

Joshua Johnston

Henry Patrick Reason

Judging Process:

After the designs are submitted to the website, it will be loaded into the gallery for viewing. 

Visitors to the website will be able to make comments on the designs.

After the competition closes, each juror will vote on the designs on a scale from 1-5. The top 25 scores will then go into the next round which the jurors will review as a group. 

At this time, the jurors will choose the top 5 designs for an invitation to the exhibition and symposium to present their work in front of the jurors, guest speakers, and other students.  

The winners then will be notified and given the comments made by the jurors to redesign/modify their entries for the exhibition and symposium.  At this point, we will ask the designers to submit their entries in a different format.  Further formatting instructions will be given at the appropriate time.